Monday, August 17, 2015

Ministry Moment: Baby Bottle Boomerang - Trinity UMC, August 16, 2015

Ministry Moment: Baby Bottle Boomerang - Trinity UMC, August 16, 2015

Good morning.  I am Keith Howell.  My wife April and I have been involved with the Pregnancy Center for quite a number of years, as many of you may know. 

The Pregnancy Center ministers to young women who struggled with an unplanned pregnancy in a culture that promotes abortion as the only choice. 

They also provide some clothing, diapers, and other necessities once the child arrives. 

Baby Bottle Boomerang is a fundraiser where churches all across Floyd County distribute empty baby bottles on Mothers Day in May.  You fill them up with your spare change (or a check) and return them to the church on Father’s Day in June. 

The first year, 2013, Trinity raised $1,648.99 and was number three of all of the churches participating. 

This year you gave over $2,400.00!  The total raised from all churches this year is over $28,000!

This year Trinity again is solidly in the top three churches in Baby Bottle Boomerang donations!  We may be number one!  The other two being St Mary’s and First Pres. 

I know that the Kingdom of God is not competitive - BUT -  that tells me something – it tells me that we beat the Baptists!   (I say that with all the love in my heart.)

In fact, when I picked up the empty bottles after church last week, two ladies stopped me in the foyer to take an additional three bottles home to fill! 

So on behalf of Gail Silver and Yvonne Miller of the Pregnancy Center, I thank you. 

And April and I thank God for you.  We thank Him for your kindness, and your willingness to yield to His Spirit!  We praise Him to be in a congregation with James 1:27 people with Matthew 25:40 hearts.